Sunday, 13 June 2010


At Five Years Gallery
Jul 3 - 18, 2010-

3rd July to 18th July
Opening hours-Saturday-Sunday 1pm-6pm

5 years Gallery Unit 66, 6th Floor, Regent Studios, 8 Andrews Road, E8 4QN.
More info at Five Years Gallery


1.00-Keiff to take a stroll along balcony
1.15-3.30-Andrew Cooper to Invigilate
3.30-The Fiend will inspect the property
4.00-Tea with Ron Barret, Stewart and Johnny sweet Apple
5.00-Thump plays the electronic organ
5.10- The Net Curtain walks the balcony
5.20 Stella becomes completely possessed by Maureena Impaler
5.30-Keiff to take a stroll along the balcony
5.45-Thump sweeps up
A slight time slip creates the presence of a future gallery selling work about displaced communities. Stella is catatonic as her body is periodically taken over by Maureena Impaler who will one day inhabit the space.

Film shot of the Muttering Cavern with its inhabitants
(thanks to Dean kenning for filming)

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Rabbles Furious Struggle and Performances

Still from footage taken by Judy Watchman
Ron Barret, Stewart and Johnny Sweet Apple took part in Saturday night Cabaret in Brixton Market the Big Window Collective and Winter Rites organised by the Five Years Gallery in East London. They have been answering questions as well as giving their views on the different positions in art and political endarkenment.

 A disused shop provides a home in Brixton Market, for a week. Photo Ash Finch  

Still from footage taken by Judy Watchman
Ron Baret and Stewart wrestle for us all with the vile snake E. Con Money. Brixton Market the Big Window Collective.

 Thump & Fiend in East London-
The Fiend looks out for dissenters

One is found.  

He didn't do it really!
Judy Watchman as Thump
Scape Goats curated by Mark McGowan photos Adrian Holm.

Wooden Arms-Carved from a dumped bed-designed for use in domestic and work settings (see film in post below)